vaginal examinationの例文
- The degree of cervical effacement may be felt during a vaginal examination.
- He noted the vaginal examination was painful and the vulva was oedematous.
- Blumer's shelf or peritoneal cul-de-sac, is a shelf palpable on rectal or vaginal examination.
- Health care policy required all women workers to receive urinalysis and vaginal examinations yearly.
- Caesarean section, prolonged rupture of membranes and long labor with multiple vaginal examinations are important risk factors.
- All the doctors, including those who conduct the vaginal examinations, are male, although a female nurse is present during those exams, al-Obeidi said.
- Authorities said Arnaud, who is a lab technician, went into the women's rooms pretending to take blood samples and conducted breast and vaginal examinations.
- In some modern-day largely Muslim societies such as Turkey, vaginal examinations for verifying a woman's virginity are a clinical practice which are at times state-enforced.
- Having intercourse or a vaginal examination can also disturb the mucus plug and cause a woman to see some blood-tinged discharge, even when labor does not begin over the next few days.
- :: I think your talking about stirrups, which are for holding the legs up and separated for vaginal examinations and the like . talk ) 16 : 42, 9 September 2012 ( UTC)
- These " lying-in " hospitals were established at a time when there was no knowledge of antisepsis or epidemiology, and women were subjected to crowding, frequent vaginal examinations, and the use of contaminated instruments, dressings, and bedding.
- Semmelweis began experimenting with various cleansing agents and, from May 1847, ordered all doctors and students working in the First Division wash their hands in chlorinated lime solution before starting ward work, and later before each vaginal examination.